CDU/CSU and SPD to begin coalition negotiations
After just over a week, the CDU, CSU and SPD have concluded their exploratory talks. Formal negotiations are now to begin.

Berlin (dpa) - Nearly two weeks after the Bundestag election, CDU/CSU and SPD leaders have reached agreement on the main contentious issues and now intend to begin formal coalition negotiations. The two sides agreed among other things on a common stance on migration policy, previously their main point of contention. In future, asylum seekers are to be rejected at Germany’s borders - a core demand of the CDU/CSU alliance about which the SPD had long had concerns. Such rejections of asylum seekers, which will involve more police conducting checks at the borders, are planned “in coordination with European neighbours”. Opportunities for family members to join refugees already in Germany are also to be restricted.
In addition, the “citizen’s benefit” income support payment is to be reformed and a corporate tax reform initiated. “Agreement has been reached on a whole raft of issues,” said CDU/CSU parliamentary group chairman Friedrich Merz after the decisive round of talks. He talked of a “good and very cooperative atmosphere”. SPD leader Lars Klingbeil also spoke of “constructive” talks. He said that the CDU/CSU bloc and the SPD had shown that they are taking responsibility.
The negotiating parties had already achieved a breakthrough on key financial questions on Tuesday when they agreed to relax the debt brake and create a huge special fund for infrastructure.