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Europe’s largest energy trade fair opens in Essen

960 businesses and institutions are showing off their work at the E-World Energy & Trade show.

Hydropower is vital to generating low-emission electricity.
Hydropower is vital to generating low-emission electricity. © dpa

Essen ( - With almost 1000 businesses and trade associations in attendance, Europe’s leading energy trade fair in Essen is presenting the future of energy. At the E-World Energy & Water trade fair, exhibitors are displaying products and services related to power generation, efficiency, trade, transport, storage, smart energy and green technologies. Since its creation, the trade fair and accompanying conference have developed into the key meeting place for the European energy industry. It is an opportunity to discuss and present practical ways of implementing the energy transition. Around one-fifth of the businesses exhibiting at the show are based outside Germany, and most of the international exhibitors come from EU countries.