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Final Bundestag election polls

Parties canvassing for voters right up to the last minute. Around one in five eligible voters is still undecided. 

Bird’s eye view of the Bundestag
Looking down into the Bundestag, whose members are to be newly elected. © dpa

Berlin (dpa) – Political parties and candidates in Germany are continuing right up to the last minute to canvass for votes ahead of Sunday’s Bundestag election. According to polls, around one in five eligible voters still has not decided where to put their cross. Market research institute Forsa believes that 22 percent of voters are still undecided, while 20 percent of respondents to a YouGov survey said they had yet to take a final decision.  

In overall terms, the prospects of the parties have hardly changed at all in recent surveys: this week’s polls still show the CDU/CSU Union to be a stable frontrunner with 28 to 32 percent of the vote. They are followed by the AfD with 20 to 21 percent, ahead of the SPD with 14.5 to 16 percent. The Greens are trailing marginally at 12 to 14 percent. 

The Left Party is fairly certain to be elected to the Bundestag after catching up in recent weeks: according to polls, they are set to get 6 to 8 percent of the vote. Parties with only a borderline chance of crossing the five-percent hurdle and being elected to parliament are the FDP (4 to 5 percent) and the BSW (3 to 5 percent). 

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