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Germany undertakes key role in satellite communications

Cologne will be the site for the EU’s new IRIS² ground infrastructure hub. 

© picture alliance/dpa/Esa | P. Carril

Brussels ( – The EU has announced that a new hub for ground infrastructure to consolidate GovSatCom and IRIS² satellite communication services will be set up in Cologne. The GOVSATCOM hub will incorporate all central functions to organise and manage demand and supply for the new satellite system. It will serve as a network node to allocate and link all communication lines.  

“In this way, Germany is making a vital contribution to Europe’s technological and security policy sovereignty. IRIS² will provide secure and robust communications which are essential in a crisis,” said Anna Christmann, Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy. 

In the medium term, the hub is to plan and manage innovative satellite quantum communication technologies such as the EuroQCI initiative. IRIS² is one of the EU’s most significant aerospace projects. It is designed underpin Europe’s strategic autonomy and leading role in technology by expanding satellite connectivity services.