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New Bundestag convenes

The newly elected Bundestag meets for the first time today. Federal Chancellor Scholz will be dismissed – but will remain in office in a caretaker role for the time being. 

Neuer Bundestag konstituiert sich
© pa/dpa

Berlin (dpa/ – The new Bundestag meets today for its constituent session. The Basic Law stipulates that the new parliament must convene for the first time no later than 30 days after the election, so today is the last possible date. This marks the beginning of the 21st legislative period. At the same time, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and his cabinet will receive their letters of dismissal from Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, though they will remain in office in a caretaker capacity until a new government is formed following the ongoing coalition talks between the CDU/CSU and SPD. Under Article 69 of the Basic Law, the outgoing government is obliged to remain in office to ensure continuity of government.  
As the oldest member of parliament, Left Party politician Gregor Gysi will preside over the first session until a new President of the Bundestag is elected. This appointment is already considered a certainty. The right to nominate a candidate for the post traditionally lies with the largest parliamentary group – in this case, the CDU/CSU. It has nominated former Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner for the role. The CDU politician will be the fourth woman to hold the position, which is the second highest in protocol after the Federal President.