Positive assessment of German climate policy
The Council of Experts on Climate Change has published its latest report. Climate Action Minister Habeck believes 2030 goals are in reach.

Berlin (d.de) - The Council of Experts on Climate Change has published its latest biannual report on which assesses trends in greenhouse gas emissions and evaluates climate protection measures in Germany. Covering German climate policy in 2023 and 2024, the report’s conclusion is broadly positive. It points out that increased climate protection measures by the Federal Government have reduced greenhouse gas emissions. However, despite the progress in some areas, the report says challenges yet remain. While the energy sector is transitioning at pace away from using fossil fuels to generate electricity, the Council of Experts stress the need for greater efforts in the transportation and buildings sectors. In response to the report, Climate Action Minister Robert Habeck said, “In recent years, the Federal Government has put in place a wide range of additional climate protection measures across all sectors and set us on course for climate neutrality. The 2030 goal is now within reach for the first time. We are moving in the direct direction but cannot let ourselves be deflected from our goal.”Expanding investments into climate action was key to future success and efforts to modernise the economy, Habeck added.