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Wahl-O-Mat sees record number of users

One in five voters is still undecided; many use online tools to help them decide. German business launches initiative to encourage high turnout.  

Wahl-O-Mat sees record number of users
© pa/dpa

Berlin ( - The online Wahl-O-Mat, which helps voters reach a decision ahead of the Bundestag election on 23 February, has registered a record number of users. Five days before voters go to the polls, the interactive service has been used more than 21.5 million times - beating the previous record of 21.3 million set during the 2021 Bundestag election. The tool enables voters to compare their stances on 38 key issues with those of all 29 parties that are running for election.  

According to a recent survey carried out by market research firm YouGov, one in five voters in Germany only reaches a final decision just before the election. Over the coming days, 13 percent plan to take a final decision, while 7 percent even wait until election day before deciding.  

According to the survey, 63 percent use conventional media such as television, radio and newspapers to learn about manifestos, political parties and candidates. Discussions with relatives, friends and work colleagues also play an important part for 42 percent of those surveyed. 27 percent say they obtain information from social media.  

Today, the German business sector is launching an initiative to encourage a high turnout. Via a campaign entitled #ZusammenFürDemokratie (#TogetherForDemocracy), more than 100 companies from different industries are promoting democratic values and calling on people to vote in the 2025 Bundestag election – they include Deutsche Bank, Mercedes-Benz and Bayer. 

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