Working and Training in Germany
Here you‘ll find relevant web pages on the job market, professional training and setting up business in Germany.

GOVET, central German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training
Because of the high demand, there exists at the Federal institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) a central German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training – GOVET for short. It handles all enquiries about the German vocational training and education system. Since 2013 people from more than 90 countries requested information. About 40 per cent came from ministries, embassies and government agencies, and one quarter from the business sector.
Make it in Germany
The multilingual internet platform 'Make it in Germany' is the entrance portal for qualified professionals, academics, start-up founders and prospective students from abroad. It combines a wealth of information and services both for all those who want to study or work in Germany, and for companies that are interested in employing international qualified professionals. In five steps, the portal accompanies applicants for work in Germany: from the search for a job and visa formalities to relocating, getting settled in Germany, and subsequently bringing their family from home.'Make it in Germany' is the official entrance portal for international qualified professionals. It is the contribution of the Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy to the joint Qualified Professionals Initiative (Fachkräfte-Offensive) of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Federal Agency for Employment.
Work & Start up
The magazine for international university graduates, young professionals and entrepreneurs who whant to learn first-hand about the German economy is offered by DIE ZEIT, Germany's leading weekly newspaper. Learn more about a country at work: with facts about the German economy, portraits of newcomers in the German job market and information about the business etiquette.
The Federal Institute for Vocational Training
How do skilled workers, journeymen and master craftsmen in businesses get their initial and continuing vocational training? What can be improved in cooperation with employers and unions? Here you can learn about the research and service work done by the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, BIBB).
National Employment Agency
The first place to go with questions about your job and career is the National Employment Agency (BA - Bundesagentur für Arbeit) in Nuremberg with its regional employment agencies around the country. Germany’s largest government office is mainly responsible for monitoring the labor market, bringing employers and employees together and creating jobs.
German Education Server
Are you looking for Internet resources on education and continuing education? The German Education Server, an information portal sponsored by the federal and state governments, is an excellent guide to the education system.