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Environmental best practices project, Cameroon

To improve conscious behaviors and awareness on growing local environmental challenges through musical concerts.

 Promoting environmental

Project name: Promoting environmental best practices in cameroon through music

Project location: Africa-Cameroon-buea



Project description:

Though environmental challenges may be regionally specific, its effects are often global. This implies if appropriate measures are not taken to tackle environmental problems both at the regional and global levels, the devastating effects will hamper sustainable development globally. Despite the rich biodiversity of the Cameroon’s forest, it is being depleted at an alarming rate (Buchy & Maconachie 2014). In addition to forest degradation, environmental sanitation is also a major challenge.

The above affect the health of the public and increase vulnerability to climate change effect. Despite the current efforts by the local government and non-profit organizations to promote environmental awareness and consciousness towards sustainable habits in Cameroon, very little has been achieved. This implies there is need for a more robust and innovative strategy that will engage most especially the young generation to adopt habits that promote environmental conservation and protection while ensuring sustainability in expected best practices. The concept of music for the environment suggested in this project has been assessed to have a very high potential in influencing local lifestyles and awareness of the local population. The concept is supported by two basic principles;

1. music has no boundaries and if promoted can reach a very wide audience within a very short time;

2. music has great potential in influencing the lifestyle of the young and future generations. Thus, if we promote music that pass across messages on healthy environmental habits, we will be contributing greatly towards achieving the sustainable development agenda.

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Goal and purpose of the project:

Project objective(s) and outcome Objectives
• To improve conscious behaviors and awareness on growing local environmental challenges through musical concerts in Cameroon.
• To enhance local capacity and empower ambassadors to promote the concept of music for the environment.
• To trigger/advertise the efforts of institutions in ensuring/enhancing a sustainable environment.
• To engage and strengthen media discussions and collaboration in promoting music as a tool for education, awareness and policy lobbying on sustainable lifestyles towards the environment in Cameroon and beyond.

• Increased awareness on local and regional environmental challenges
• Increased local capacity capable of influencing environmental consciousness
• Increased communication and education strategies on environmental protection
• Increased public images and strategies of project partners in promoting environmental protection
• Production of audio-visual content for the promotion of environmental production

Motivation of the applicant / applicant team:

Climate change and environmental protection has always played a vital role in our life, as it has not only enlightened us in my field of interest and aspects of life but it has but enabled me grown up as a self respected individual and in my team.Going into this competition will permit me and my team showcase the new innovative idea towards environmental will be a forum to project this idea to the international world on music been as on of the medium we could use to combat climate change and other environmental bad practices. we believe in the words of William Shakespeare saying "if music be the food of love play on give me excess of it"this will also go a long way to be able to integrate into international cultural diversities.

Promoting environmental

Use of prize money:

The prize money will be used to promote the idea back in my country to a higher level. through the use of music, individuals and artist will send environmental messages through music on the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change.a competition will be organized to get 3 winners who send out the best environmental messages through music. And they will be ambassadors of the youforG20.An will produce an album which will be performed locally and why not internationally.