Green Summit, Bulgaria
Our main goal is to promote sustainability through fostering the initiatives of small communities of young people with nature friendly lifestyle.

Project name: Green Summit
Project location: Bulgaria
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Project description:
Green Summit or as we call it in Bulgarian “Зелен сбор“ is a project of Green Association which focus on the big ideas for the small settlements.
In the second half of September we will organize a series of events, promoting living in small communities with environmental care.
Hosts of these events will be the local people or communities, who will have the opportunity to share their lifestyle with all its benefits and misfortunes to the public. All of them are young people or involve young people in their activities, they are all promoting social commitment at the local level, helping to protect the environment and climate, and entrepreneuring in severe social conditions, showing that everything is posible, if you have strong motivation.
The main obstacle that people face, being in a small community is the lack of social life and here comes our solution. Green Summit is an event based platform which raise awareness of the environmental ideas of these communities and promotes their unique sustainable lifestyle to the public.
Events will consist of social, educational, artistic, sport, cultural and other activities that will engage young people to spend their time in a beneficial way outside the rush of the big city and closer to the nature.
We intend to make at least two annual campaigns, but believe that meanwhile people and communities will self organize through our platform and mutually benefit, raising awareness of environmental and climate issues and most important sharing their knowledge on minimizing them.
Goal and purpose of the project:
Our main goal is to promote sustainability through fostering the initiatives of small communities of young people with nature friendly lifestyle. Most of them are pioneers in a process of downshifting form the big city back to their roots and motherland, taking good care of it. All of these young people have different approach to the topic of environmental protection. Some make permaculture gardens, others do biodynamic farming, some focus on the educational aspect or sports, while others emphasize on art and cultural projects, but all of them have in common the topic of sustainability.
Motivation of the applicant / applicant team:
Within our association we are all youngsters raised in the big cities and we all go through tough moments trying to set our new environment in a small settlement and community. The main obstacle to enjoy all the benefits of living closer to the nature for us is the difficulty of sharing them with others. We are so much used to the intense social life of the city, so that we want to bring at least a part of it to the small settlement. Green Summit is our way to socialize and to raise awareness of our local initiatives to people with similar ideas and beliefs.
Use of prize money:
The prize money will be used to create a user friendly online platform, so that anyone can join the network of the Green Summit with an ease. Thus, young entrepreneurs from the little settlements can promote their initiatives and other youngsters from the big cities can easily find a project to support nearby and join its activities. Such a platform will drastically shorten the distance between these communities who are recently quite interested in one another. Without any pressure or demands people will start networking through the platform, driven by their interests and location.