Germany adopts basic principles for climate foreign policy
Strategy paper serves as guideline for cooperation with international partners on climate action.

Berlin ( - For the first time ever, the German government has adopted a climate foreign policy strategy. Together with other states and non-governmental stakeholders, Germany wants to push forward with climate action. According to the German government, the goal is to jointly “tackle the impacts of the climate crisis and help shape the transformation of the economy - in a socially just and economically successful manner.” The Strategy on Climate Foreign Policy will serve as a kind of guideline for the Federal Government’s cooperation with partner countries and organisations. It pools Germany’s cross-ministerial efforts to combat the global climate crisis. This underlines Germany’s commitment to pushing forward with international climate action with a view to achieving the targets defined in the Paris Agreement. To this end, the German government’s structures and instruments are to be aligned to achieving this objective.
A joint challenge for policymakers, society and states
With its strategy, the Federal Government is emphasising the fact that climate policy relates to all areas: security policy, food security policy, energy policy, economic policy and geopolitics. That’s why the new strategy is to be implemented by all the ministries and departments responsible for these areas. Six fields form the core of the strategy – including the global energy transition, solidarity with those countries worst hit by climate change, and climate-friendly financial management. These are backed up by concrete priorities, goals and activities. Germany plans to lead the field as a driving force in these areas. The Federal Government’s climate foreign policy is anchored in European and multilateral structures.
The new Strategy on Climate Foreign Policy can be downloaded in PDF format in German and English.