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AfD: pretty far right

The populist right-wing party AfD rejects the European Union. It is also opposed to immigration and measures to combat climate change.


Here we introduce you to the German political parties that are represented in the Bundestag. In Germany, parties only win seats in parliament if they obtain five percent or more of the votes.

The party:
Alternative for Germany



MPs in the Bundestag: 
76 of 733 MPs in total

Historic figures:  -

Profile: The Alternative for Germany was founded in 2013, representing the political spectrum to the right of the CDU/CSU. It is populist party that opposes the EU idea of a United Europe – with the exception of the single market. The right-wing Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the EU Parliament has excluded the AfD MPs. The party is categorised as a suspected right-wing extremist group by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Parts of the party are under surveillance for their anti-constitutional and right-wing extremist views. The authority estimates that at least 20 percent of its members can be attributed to this segment. The party is represented in all state parliaments and in the Bundestag. It is particularly strong in Germany’s new states.


Links to portraits of other political parties:
CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens, FDP, Linke
