Strong growth in green technologies
The new Environmental Technology Atlas confirms German companies’ outstanding international market position.
The world market for environmental technologies and resource efficiency will more than double by 2025. German suppliers are playing an exceptional role in this dynamic development. This is demonstrated by an environmental technology atlas entitled GreenTech Made in Germany 3.0, which was commissioned by the Federal Environment Ministry. Following editions in 2007 and 2009, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants has produced the atlas for a third time. The atlas examines six lead markets for environmental technology: environmentally friendly power generation and storage, energy efficiency, materials efficiency, waste management and recycling, sustainable water management and sustainable mobility. German companies are well positioned on the world market in these areas and will be able to sustain their current world market share of 15% until 2025. Small and medium-sized enterprises are especially strong in the green technology sector with a share of around 90%. In 2025 the expected turnover in environmental technologies will reach more than 4,400 billion euros, which is more than twice the total in 2011. The job market is also expected to benefit from this strong growth with an increase of a million new jobs by 2025.