Strengthening vocational training
The BIBB supplies interested parties worldwide with information on the German dual training system.

Fighting youth unemployment together. It’s spreading in the UK, in Sweden, South Africa and Malaysia – and US President Barack Obama is already a fan. The dual system of vocational training has a long tradition in Germany and is being adopted worldwide as a way of successfully fighting youth unemployment. 60 percent of all young people in Germany receive their vocational training in the dual system, in which companies and vocational schools act as partners. Skilled personnel are trained in this way for industry, trades and the professions in about 350 recognized occupations. On the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Government has set up the Central Office for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation to accommodate the interest in the German dual system and further strengthen international cooperation. It’s located in the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Bilateral cooperation schemes within Europe already exist with Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain. Further afield, the Central Office is also working with partners in China, India, Russia, South Africa and Turkey.