Germany as energy partner
What Germany does on an international level to promote climate protection and a sustainable energy supply.

Germany. No country can save the climate on its own. And a sustainable supply of energy is an important global issue that will likewise be easier to achieve on a cross-border basis. This is why Germany has entered into a number of bilateral energy partnerships in recent years with countries that are important in terms of energy production, transit or consumption. The primary goal is to support the partner countries with regard to expanding renewable energies, improving energy efficiency and promoting the use of modern energy technologies. We present three examples:
Morocco: closer to Europe
Morocco has great potential when it comes to exploiting renewable energy sources – first and foremost solar and wind power. Thanks to its geographic proximity to Europe and existing power grid links, the country could be further integrated into the European electricity market – giving rise to benefits for both sides. Established in 2012, the German-Moroccan Energy Partnership (PAREMA) serves as a platform for dialogue and as an incubator for joint projects, and stages the annual German-Moroccan Energy Conference.
Mexico: support with the energy transition
Mexico is the world’s tenth-largest producer of natural oil and gas. At the same time, the country boasts very considerable potential in terms of renewable energies. Yet despite national targets to raise the proportion of total energy production that is accounted for by clean energies to 35 percent by 2024, no dynamic development has yet been forthcoming. Germany and Mexico signed a declaration of intent for an energy partnership in 2016, and a secretariat has been established. Germany is offering the expertise it has acquired during the course of its own energy transition, while Mexico believes that experience sharing is the way forward and hopes for investors after markets are opened up in the oil, gas and electricity sectors.
China: longstanding cooperation
Cooperation with China, one of the world’s largest consumers of energy, is given particular priority. Germany began working together with China on energy policy as early as 2006. Within the framework of the German-Chinese Energy Partnership, the two working groups “Energy” and “Energy Efficiency” are currently active. A secretariat with offices in Beijing and Berlin provides support in terms of content and organization.
Germany also has energy partnerships with Algeria, Brazil, India, Jordan, Nigeria, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.