German economy
You will find everything you need to know about business, in terms of economy and ecology.

Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
More growth, higher employment, greater innovation: The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) is the department in charge of making sure that Germany will be more competitive and more prosperous in the future as well. Its responsibilities also include the advancement of small and medium-sized enterprises and new technologies. In addition, the BMWi coordinates German policies for Europe.
DIN - the German Institute for Standardization
Why is standard letter paper in Germany 210 mm wide and 295 mm long? On August 18, 1922, the German Institute for Standardization (DIN – Deutsche Institut für Normung e.V.) published standards for paper formats that are still the standards in many parts of the world today. The DIN, with its head offices located in Berlin, works to develop norms and standards. As the only national organization for standardization of its kind, the DIN also develops technical rules and regulations and promotes their application.
Energy Efficiency Export Initiative
In times of scarce fossil fuel resources and continuously rising energy prices, the demand for innovative technologies that reduce energy consumption is rising all over the world. The Federal Government has therefore launched an Energy Efficiency Export Initiative to support German suppliers of products, systems and services abroad – particularly in countries that have set themselves ambitious energy-savings targets.
Renewable Energies Export Initiative
Renewable energy is the key to climate protection. The Federal Government has therefore launched a Renewable Energies Export Initiative to support German manufacturers in foreign markets. The overall objective is to make a contribution to global climate protection by promoting the spread of German cutting-edge technology.
Skilled labour offensive
A shortage of skilled staff is emerging in the German economy. The Federal Government has therefore launched a skilled labour offensive. The aim of this broadly based, high-visibility publicity and mobilization campaign is to inform the general public and make businesspeople and HR managers more aware of the need to hold on to their skilled personnel.
Make It In Germany
German companies are looking for skilled workers – especially in engineering and the MINT fields (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology). The Make It In Germany website gives qualified professionals from other countries all the information they need to live and work in Germany; they can also carry out a quick check to find out the visa rules that apply to them and who can support them in their search for a job.
Expert Council on the Assessment of Overall Economic Development
Every November, political circles focus on the economy: The Expert Council on the Assessment of Overall Economic Development – a.k.a the “Five Wise Men” – publishes an annual report, analyzing the economic situation of the country and forecasting the future. The Council was first officially formed in 1963 and consists of five professors, who are appointed by the Federal President.