Opportunities for skilled international personnel
Visas, language skills, degrees: what skilled craftsmen from abroad should look out for when looking for a job in Germany.
How do craftsmen get a work permit?
Bear in mind that there is a shortage of skilled workers in the respective trades in Germany. The positive list of the Federal Employment Agency contains the corresponding jobs. The website Recognition in Germany furnishes information about recognition of job qualifications in Germany in eleven languages. Skilled craftsmen still have to show that they have received a specific job offer, but this will change as a result of the Skilled Workers Immigration Act, which is expected to come into effect in early 2020. Skilled workers can then look for a job in Germany for a space of six months. There are also good opportunities for international applicants for apprenticeships in many skilled craft trades; the website Make It in Germany provides the most important information.
Who needs a visa?
Anyone arriving in Germany from the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland does not need a visa. The same applies to citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand and the USA. All others must apply for a visa before entering Germany.
How important are German language skills?
Very important, not only for communication in businesses but also for successful integration in Germany. If you want to learn German in your home country, you can find suitable contact persons on a world map at Make It in Germany.
How can craftsmen become self-employed in Germany?
The best way is to take advanced training and become a master craftsman. Those who already have an equivalent vocational qualification in their home country can practice a licensed skilled craft in Germany as a self-employed worker and found his or her own business.
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