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Europe – your opportunity

Europe offers many possibilities for studying or working. In the video, young people talk about how they take advantage of the opportunities in the EU.

Whether working or studying – Europe offers great opportunities.
Whether working or studying – Europe offers great opportunities. © privat

Europe offers many opportunities – and experience abroad will always take you further, no matter whether you do an internship, undergo training, study or start a job. Europe's open borders allow you great flexibility has asked young people to report in videos on their experience in Europe. With these first-hand comments, you will be well prepared for the time you spend in Germany or another EU country.

Studying abroad

Do you like the idea of studying in a European country? Then you have a huge range of possibilities – and you can even get financial support. A course of study is a good time to get to know new things: new countries, a new language, a different culture.

The fact that all borders are open in the EU and you can decide which country you want to live in is something very special. In this video Lina from Australia tells us how she benefits from this. She studied in Germany for two semesters and gained work experience at a large recruiting agency. Today she lives in England and is studying psychotherapy.

Laura from Germany decided to study in Scotland. She takes you with her to the uni for a day – and also tells you how a possible Brexit might affect her studies in Scotland. You can find her Vlog here.

Andy from Spain decided to study in Germany and moved to Berlin five years ago. In the video she tells you about her experiences as an international student in Germany – and even shows you the Berlin unis from the inside.

Internship abroad

An internship abroad makes you more independent, self-confident and sets you apart from the crowd. This will increase your chances if you apply later for a place at university, a scholarship or a job, for example. Here you can find all the essential information.

In this video Bharat from India tells us how he managed to find a permanent job through an internship in Germany – and even succeeded in finding personal happiness.


"Germany offers everyone a chance, no matter where they come from or how they look," says Karlos. The Spaniard has been living in Germany for four years and has trained there as a media designer.

In this article, Karlos tells us how it came about and how this decision has changed his life for the better. The EU is a sought-after labour market, and Germany's system of dual apprenticeship is special. In contrast to training in many other countries, it combines vocational theory with practical work in a company, which improves your chances of being taken on in a permanent job later on.

Elissa and her friend Rodrigo come from Brazil. The YouTubers discussed with four friends whether it's worth coming to Europe to work. Here you can see what their conclusions are.

Starting a career

How do you successfully start your professional life? Where can you find tips and help? We have compiled all the important information on this topic.


Elisabet from Spain started a new life in Germany herself a few years ago. From her own experience, she has put together seven tips for a successful start in Germany for you. In the video she gives answers to questions such as: Do I really have to learn German? How do I get to know German culture? And how can I succeed with my first step into working life ?

Was an Deutschland liebenswert ist – und worauf ihr am Anfang achten solltet, verrät euch Diana. Die Kanadierin mit kolumbianischen Wurzeln lebt seit einigen Jahren in Deutschland und erzählt euch alles über einen angenehmen Beginn in einem neuen Land. In ihrem Video gibt sie außerdem Tipps, wie ihr euch schnell einlebt.

Diana tells you what she likes about Germany – and what you should look out for at the beginning. The Canadian with Colombian roots has been living in Germany for several years and tells you how to get off to a good start in a new country. In her video she also gives tips on how to settle in quickly.

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