Why is the German economy so strong?
Exports are not everything – six factors for Germany’s economic strength.

1. The important role of industry
In Germany the share of industry in gross value added is 26.6 per cent, making it the highest among the G7 countries. The strongest sectors are vehicle construction, electrical industry, engineering and chemical industry.
2. High export quota
Together with China and the USA, Germany is one of the three largest exporting nations. In 2022 Germany exported goods worth 1,576 billion euros. The export quota was 50.3 per.
3. Open economy
Judging by the importance of foreign trade for gross domestic product (GDP), Germany is the most open economy among the G7 states. The foreign trade quota is currently 98.6 per cent – that’s the sum of imports and exports in relation to GDP.
4. High performing medium-sized enterprise
Medium-sized enterprises form the heart of the German economy. In other words, companies with an annual turnover of less than 50 million euros and less than 500 employees. This sector of the economy embraces 99.6 per cent of German companies. More than 1,000 of these companies are so-called hidden champions, i.e. often publicly less well-known international market leaders.
5. Best trade fair location
Germany is the world’s premier location for organizing international trade fairs. Two-thirds of the major global industrial events take place in Germany. Ten million visitors attend around 150 international trade fairs and exhibitions each year.
6. Strong economic centres
The most important economic centres in Germany are the metropolitan regions of Munich (high tech), Stuttgart (vehicle construction), Rhine-Neckar (chemicals, IT), Frankfurt am Main (finance) and Hamburg (port, aircraft construction, media). Berlin/Brandenburg is the strongest start-up region.