2019, the year in culture
Germany will complete its biggest cultural project and celebrate important designers, researchers and writers. The highlights in science and culture.

On 26 March 2019, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Munich celebrates the 70th anniversary of its founding. Today, Fraunhofer is Europe’s leading organization for applied research and development. 72 institutes and research institutions operate in Germany under the organization’s umbrella. Contract research accounts for almost 2 billion euros of the total research volume of 2.3 billion.
On 12 April 2019 Weimar celebrates the centenary of the Bauhaus. In 1919, the architect Walter Gropius took over the management of the new State Bauhaus in Weimar and was able to recruit artists such as Lyonel Feininger, Johannes Itten, Gerhard Marcks, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer and Wassily Kandinsky as teachers for the art school. The anniversary will be celebrated throughout Germany in 2019 with exhibitions, performances and a TV series.
Highlights of the Bauhaus Year 2019
On 14 September 2019, the Humboldt Forum opens in Berlin’s rebuilt City Palace. The Humboldt Forum is Germany’s most ambitious cultural project. Together with the Museum Island, it aims to promote dialogue between world cultures through exhibitions. 14 September 2019 is the 250th anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt, the widely travelled natural scientist.
On 30 December 2019 Germany celebrates the 200th anniversary of the writer Theodor Fontane’s birth. The state of Brandenburg will already begin paying tribute to its most famous son (‘Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg’) in March 2019. Fontane is regarded as the most important German realist and a literary mirror of Prussia.
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