Dance in Germany
These links offer addresses, news and background information on state and independent theaters, dance and opera for viewers as well as theater professionals.

Dachverband Tanz
With names like Pina Bausch, Sasha Waltz and John Neumeier, artistic dance in Germany has an excellent international reputation. Germany’s umbrella organization for dance, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, has brought together the leading associations and institutions associated with the dancing profession since 2006. Many new initiatives and projects emerged from the “Dance Plan” (2006-2010).
When ballet dancers seem to defy all the laws of gravity, the hearts of ardent fans in the audience can’t help but begin to race. DANCE GERMANY provides a virtual stage devoted to this graceful art. Professional dancers, choreographers and cultural institutions from all around Germany work together to shape and design this online network. The German Cultural Foundation funds the project.
Expressive dance, ballet, flamenco – Germany is dancing! If you‘ve missed all that so far, this portal lets you surf to reviews in the current press as well as to performances and workshops.