New cities, old visions
A travelling exhibition shows how renewable energy changes the cityscape.

BACK TO THE FUTURE. Masdar City is an eco-city under construction in the desert of Abu Dhabi. Designed for a population of 50,000, its power is to come exclusively from renewable sources. In addition to Abu Dhabi, several other countries – for example, Ethiopia and the Emirate of Dubai – are also planning eco-cities. Whether you’re in Africa or the Arab world, the transition to renewable energy will require new infrastructure; it will enable innovative means of transport and change the cityscape. An exhibition called Post-Oil City organized by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) shows what this looks like in real life. “All future planning is based on a past vision,” says ifa, adding that many solutions developed since the mid-20th century were being revisited today. The travelling exhibition therefore presents both present and past plans for new, environmentally friendly cities. The exhibition opens in Los Angeles in May.