Media Research in Germany
Computers have long since become a common sight in children’s rooms and school children regularly use PCs as a tool to do their school work.

Hans-Bredow Institute
An interdisciplinary perspective – that’s what the people working at the Hans-Bredow Institute for Media Research want. And that’s why they maintain very close connections to many other disciplines in the analysis of current developments in the media.
Institute for Media Research and Media Education
How do children and young people use television, computers and the Internet? What do these media offer them; how do they affect their daily lives? How young people use the media is the central question and the Institute for Media Research and Media Education (JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis) has devoted itself to finding the answer.
Institute for Radio/Television Technology
Have you ever heard of “soccer ballet”? The electronic slow-motion mode used for replays in live sports broadcasts was developed by the Institute for Radio/Television Technology (IRT – Institut für Rundfunktechnik) in Munich. The IRT is a joint research and developmental institute operated by the state-run radio and television corporations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television
What makes kids laugh? What fascinates them about particular TV programs? Questions like this are discussed at the International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI – Internationales Zentralinstitut für das Jugend- und Bildungsfernsehen) at the Bavarian Radio and Television Corporation.
Network of Multimedia Resource Centres
From the German Radio Archive to the University for Film and Television in Potsdam, the Network of Multimedia Resource Centres provides central access to film and sound materials from all over the country. Archives, libraries, documentation offices, museums and research institutes all belong to this network.