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Public television and radio stations in Germany

Diversity is the watchword in the German radio landscape.

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Bavarian Radio and Television Network

In addition to a colorful mixture of entertainment and information ranging from culture, sports, and recreation, to the environment and science, you’ll find current news and police reports from the Free State of Bavaria at the website of the Bavarian Radio and Television Network (BR).


Approximately 7.3 million German citizens regularly tune into DeutschlandRadio with its two programs, Deutschlandfunk and DeutschlandRadio Berlin. The national radio broadcasting company of the Federal Republic of Germany was set up after the Berlin Wall came down to promote the process of integration in the east and the west.

Deutsche Welle

Media calling card: On May 3, 1953, the “Deutsche Welle” (DW) went out over the airwaves for the very first time. Today, the international broadcaster provides information all over the world in up to 30 languages – whether Chinese or Bengali. Via television, radio and Internet, the Deutsche Welle communicates a picture of Germany and promotes exchange between foreign cultures.

Hessischer Rundfunk

The Hessian Broadcasting Company (hr - Hessische Rundfunk) sends its programs out over the airwaves between Kassel and Darmstadt. Classics from the state broadcasting company located in Frankfurt include “The Hesselbachs” and the “Augsburger Puppenkiste” marionettes. Culture buffs will enjoy the concerts of the hr big band and the company’s own symphony orchestra.

mdr Central German Radio and Television Network

News from Central Germany: the Central German Radio and Television Network (mdr – Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk) broadcasts current regional reports from its studios in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia. You will also find interesting programs that focus on politics, sports, business, and culture.

North German Radio and Television Network

Comprising Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein in its transmission area, the North German Radio and Television Network (NDR – Norddeutscher Rundfunk) can be found online at Here you can read about current events and traffic radio reports from the surrounding regions.

Radio Bremen

Take a look at the review of the month – in Latin: you just never stop learning with Radio Bremen (RB). In the service section, you’ll find tips on unusual foods, entertaining trips and other recreational activities.

Berlin-Brandenburg Radio and Television Network

A fresh, new voice in the capital-city region: in May 2003, the former Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) and Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg (ORB) merged to form the Berlin-Brandenburg Radio and Television Network (RBB – Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg). Programs are broadcast around the clock from the network building in Berlin, from the studio in Potsdam-Babelsberg and from the four state studios.

Saarländischer Rundfunk

At you’ll find out more about the westernmost broadcasting company in Germany, the Saarland Radio and Television Network (SR – Saarländischer Rundfunk), the technical equipment required for radio and television broadcasting and a history of the SR from 1929 up to the present.


What are people interested in in the southwestern part of Germany? The public radio and television program from Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate is broadcast by the Southwestern Radio and Television Network (SWR). The SWR has been the second-largest media company within the ARD broadcasting company since 1998. “Nachtcafé” (Night Café), a talk show, is considered as the TV station’s flagship.

WDR - West German Broadcasting Corporation

Aimed to please a variety of different tastes: Whether it’s such TV classics for kids like “Die Sendung mit der Maus” (The Mouse Show) or “Rockpalast” (Rock Palace) for music fans – the programming of the West German Broadcasting Corporation (WDR) writes television history. The state broadcasting corporation located in North Rhine-Westphalia also operates five radio stations, the “Funkhaus Europa” Internet radio and provides more than one quarter of the ARD programming for “Das Erste” (Channel One).