Pump Up Your German With Podcasts
Want to learn German but feel like you have no time? Download some podcasts or check out these fun websites to help practice your Deutsch during even the busiest days.

Podcasts can be a great way to practice German while getting on with the normal business of your day. Subscribe to one of these podcasts, watch a video on your computer or download a language app to keep German language learning fun and relaxing.
Here are a few suggestions:
There’s an app for that
The Michel Thomas method is well liked by many for his push to get language learners speaking. You can check out the app or get a short tutorial on his website.
Funny German
These funny BBC videos give you a laugh and a language tutorial courtesy of the comedian Henning Wehn.
DW basics
Deutsche Welle offers many different free podcasts and video options to help brush up your German. You can listen to suspenseful crime stories or hear daily news reports read slowly in German.
Goethe Institute suggests music podcasts and more
This list from the Goethe Institute has podcasts that cover everything from basic German to new music suggestions from Deutschland’s pop charts.
German Pod 101
The podcast and web resource German Pod 101 gives you all the basics to start learning German.
Open Culture
The website Open Culture lists many podcasts and other free language learning resources like these funny Vodcasts (or video podcasts) called My German Class.
The best way to improve your German is to stay positive and to not let grammar or pronunciation problems discourage you. Try to keep the language learning process fun by finding learning methods that best suit your personality and lifestyle. Studies show podcasting is a great way to practice. So why not try a few out? Listen, learn and enjoy!
And now we ask you!
We now would like to know what is most complicated for you. Is it the articles? Is it the compound words? Is it the pronunciation? Tweet us! We’ll then ask experts for tips, tricks and learning methods that will help you. Stay tuned!