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9 facts about wood as a building material

One third of Germany is covered by forest. Surprising facts about wood as a key raw material – and what it can be used for. 

Craftsmanship with wood
Craftsmanship with wood © AdobeStock

Building material for a climate-friendly future

One tonne of CO2 is stored for decades in every cubic metre of wood used. Wood can also be used to replace other substances that would generate additional CO2.

Carbon sink

In Germany, some 118 million tonnes of CO2 are stored in wood products. 

Houses as climate helpers

A single-family house made of timber and consisting of around 30 cubic metres of wood permanently removes more than 25 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere, while a timber roof truss alone removes around eight tonnes of CO2.

In demand for newly built houses

The “timber construction rate” for building permits in Germany has recently increased to just under a quarter of all new builds – both for residential buildings and those used for other purposes.

Popular in Baden-Württemberg

The proportion of buildings made of wood is highest in southern Germany at over 30 per cent.

Renewable raw material

Annual wood growth in German forests amounts to 101.5 million cubic metres.

Germany – country rich in forest

Almost a third of the country is forested, and there are an average of seven inhabitants per hectare of forest. Strategic goals
With its “Charter for Wood 2.0”, Germany is not just boosting timber construction in the various types of buildings, it is also focussing on increasing the use of wood in building renovation.

Innovative use of wood

Research and industry in Germany are constantly developing innovations for building with wood: from wooden rotor blades on wind turbines to foams made of wood, which are ideal for insulation.

Economic engine

Building with wood is becoming increasingly important on the labour market, too: the number of employees in this sector has increased by 28 per cent in the last ten years.

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