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Climate action role models

Climate-active municipalities are honoured every year in Germany. We present the 2021 winners.

Mobility of the future: cargo bike
Mobility of the future: cargo bike © pa/dpa

The winners of Climate-Active Municipality 2021 demonstrate how cities, towns and districts can make progress in the field of climate protection. Organised by the Federal Environment Ministry and the German Institute for Urban Affairs, the competition honoured nine municipalities:

Resource and energy efficiency

Award-winning district heating network in Hennigsdorf
Award-winning district heating network in Hennigsdorf © Hearts&Minds/Difu

Hennigsdorf, a town in Brandenburg, was acknowledged for its “multifunctional district heating network that acts as a heating hub”. Markt Peissenberg, a municipality in Bavaria, received the award for its “energy self-sufficient sewage treatment plant”. Singen am Hohentwiel, a town in Baden-Württemberg, on the other hand, succeeded in developing a standardised multiple-use system for take-away packaging jointly with restaurants and bakeries.

Climate-friendly mobility

Fürstenfeldbruck is relying on cargo bikes
Fürstenfeldbruck is relying on cargo bikes © Hearts&Minds/Difu

Essen in North Rhine-Westphalia won over the judges because it supported local businesses in developing a seal for Bicycle-Friendly Employers. Grafschaft Bentheim, a rural district in Lower Saxony, was acknowledged for an electric car-sharing system across seven municipalities in a rural area. Fürstenfeldbruck, a town in Bavaria, made it onto the list of winners with a project called Cargo Bikes for All.

Climate activities to get involved in

Tree-planting project in the Marburg-Biedenkopf Rural District
Tree-planting project in the Marburg-Biedenkopf Rural District © Hearts&Minds/Difu

The Heidenheim Rural District in Baden-Württemberg was honoured for Handabdruck, a project that enables people to show their commitment to climate protection and sustainability. The City of Dortmund was acknowledged for a campaign called UmsteiGERN, in which ambassadors promote climate-friendly mobility. The Marburg-Biedenkopf Rural District in Hesse won recognition for a tree-planting project that enables children and young people to learn how trees are planted and cultivated.


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