Conservation areas in Germany
Visit these portals to take a stroll through the conservation areas in Germany and read how you can get involved in the conservation of our natural surroundings.

National Natural Landscapes
Do you know where the most beautiful natural landscapes in Germany are? 15 national parks with their natural surroundings, 16 biosphere reserves, 15 of which are UNESCO-certified, and more than one hundred nature parks offering rest and recreation invite you to discover the beauty of the country surrounding you in Germany. Under the umbrella brand of “National Natural Landscapes”, the non-profit EUROPARC Deutschland organization networks all the large German conservation areas.
Natural Parks
Did you know that the Lüneburg Heath was designated a natural park as early as 1909? But not until the 50s did the idea of lasting protection of the countryside, as promoted by the Federation of National Parks in Germany (Verband Deutscher Naturparke e.V., VDN), meet with nationwide acceptance.
Cultural Heritage of Our Forests 2011
Germany is a land of forests. 31 per cent of its area is covered with deciduous trees and conifers. For the people of central Europe forests have played an irreplaceable role as natural recreation areas, as multifaceted sanctuaries and as a sustainable economic factor from time immemorial. To make sure that people remain aware of the ecosystem, even in the smartphone age, Germany has launched the initiative “Discover the cultural heritage of our forests!” in the International Year of Forests 2011.
Wadden Sea World Heritage Site
A landscape made up of mudflats, mussel beds and dense patches of sea grass along the 400-km coast of the North Sea – that is the Wadden Sea. The constant change between low tide and high tide has created an eco-system that is home to thousands of types of plants and animals. The German-Dutch Wadden Sea has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2009.