These portals inform you about scholarships, foreign study and guest studies in Germany as well as educational policy and structures.

Get right into history: Clio-online is a specialized portal that bundles all kinds of Internet resources for historians and anyone interested in history. Go to this platform to study publications, browse through databases and library catalogs or get in touch with other historians. The project partners include libraries, universities and research facilities.
Deutscher Germanistenverband (German Confederation of German Scholars)
Theory and practice: the German Confederation of German Scholars (Deutscher Germanistenverband) is concerned with the connection between school and university. As a scholarly society, it represents the interests of the German specialists at schools, institutions of higher education, and research and further education institutes.
German Archaeological Institute
Set out to discover ancient cultures: if you’d like to take a virtual trip to the Coliseum in Rome or to an oasis settlement in Oman, on this site the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, DAI) will take you along with it. You can learn about the organization of the federal institution and take a glimpse into the research on monuments, finds and written sources.
Institute for the German Language
Lexicology, grammar and pragmatics: the Institute for the German Language (Institut für deutsche Sprache, IDS) carefully scrutinizes these three linguistic areas. The IDS documents new words, analyzes German grammar as compared to other European languages and studies the language behavior of different segments of the population.
LINSE – Linguistics Server Essen
Once tutors imparted this information to first-year students; now the information is digital: LINSE, the Linguistics Server Essen, was one of the first virtual university projects in Germany. What began in 1995 as a collection of introductory material on linguistics is now an international forum for linguists, German teachers and students.
Media design, media education or maybe you’d prefer media management? If you just can’t decide from among the more than 1000 courses of study in media at German universities and colleges, be sure to take a look at the Media Study Guide - Publication Platform for the Humanities bundles a widely diverse range of publications from such fields as art history, German language and literature studies and Orientalism. The Humanities publications platform archives the journals, monographs and reviews of all the institutes of the “Foundation of German Humanities Institutes Abroad“ (DGIA) and their respective cooperation partners.
What is reality? In your search for the reason for and origin of all existence, you will find more than 1000 links to philosophical resources around the world at Clearly marked points of reference will help you to navigate your way closer to the truth.