Natural Sciences
These portals inform you about scholarships, foreign study and guest studies in Germany as well as educational policy and structures.
As Pythagoras believed “All things are numbers”. And anyone visiting this site will soon see why., a project run by the mathematics institute of the Free University Berlin, provides information for school-goers and students, scientists, professional mathematicians and journalists.
With its services and software technologies, is chiefly aimed at decision-makers and disseminators of knowledge in industry, trade, research and teaching. But this website is a treasure trove for school children and students as well.
German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina was named as Germany’s “National Academy of Sciences” in 2008. As Europe’s oldest existing academy, it has provided a network for researchers and scientists from all over the world since 1652. The Leopoldina in Halle advises politicians, represents Germany’s sciences abroad and promotes and encourages interdisciplinary exchange.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie (German Society for Geography)
If you ever wondered what exactly geography is all about, you can find out from an expert source in “Antwort für Eilige“ (Answer for People in a Hurry) or “Antwort für Leute mit Zeit“ (Answer for People with Time): the German Society for Geography (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie e.V., DGfG) is the umbrella organization of Germany’s specialist associations and societies, with approx. 25,000 members.
German Mathematicians‘ Association
No room for interpretations, doubts or uncertainties: mathematics is an exact science. Its logic fascinates the members of the German Mathematicians’ Association (DMV), an association that tries to make this science fun and champions mathematics in the public and political arena.
Whether it’s geo-informatics or climatology: at, everything is about the geosciences, geography and earth sciences.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Floods, drought, melting glaciers at the North and South Pole: the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) examines global climate change and issues involving sustainable development. Using computer simulations and data analysis, the Institute pursues research in close cooperation with other scientists of different disciplines all over the world. The PIK has acted in a consulting capacity for players in the public arena and politics since 1992.
Interested physicists can satisfy their curiosity via, the portal of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (German Physical Society).
Association of Biology, Biosciences and Biomedicine in Germany
What career opportunities are there for marine biologists? Who supports stem cell research? How can teachers get their pupils interested in the “science of life”? The Association of Biology, Biosciences and Biomedicine in Germany – the VBIO – answers these questions and more. The association is the umbrella organization that represents the interests of the biosciences.
Science Online provides information and orientation in the natural sciences. The focus is on current developments in science and research.