Studying and Training
These portals inform you about scholarships, foreign study and guest studies in Germany as well as educational policy and structures.

Accreditation Council
The seal of quality for universities and institutes of cooperative education: The Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programs in Germany ensures the quality of studies and teaching in Germany. Its central committee is the Accreditation Council with representatives from universities, companies and politics. Among other things, the Council monitors the educational standards of Bachelor and Masters programs.
How long does it take to study architecture in Siegen? Where’s the best place for me to learn Spanish? And to which primary school can I send my daughter? With more than 750,000 visitors each month, is one of the major Internet sites for education opportunities in Germany. The umbrella portal unites some 50 portals with information and comparative details in the areas of early education, schools, vocational training, studying, further education and languages.
CHE – Center for the Development of Higher Education
A “reform workshop” for the German system of higher education: the Center for the Development of Higher Education (Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung, CHE) is a non-profit facility operated by two partners: the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Association of Universities and Other Higher Education Institutions. As an independent think tank and project partner for universities and ministries, it pursues the goal of improving the performance of German universities and colleges by developing new concepts and convincing exemplary models.
The DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers. Since it was founded in 1925, around two million scholars in Germany and abroad have received DAAD funding. It is a registered association and its members are German institutions of higher education and student bodies.
Deutsches Studentenwerk (German Organizations for Student Affairs)
All students under one roof: the German Organizations for Student Affairs (Deutsches Studentenwerk, DSW) is the umbrella association for 58 student organizations in Germany. These organizations perform public functions for the students at German universities, among other things working to realize equal opportunity, and play an important role in shaping the living environment at institutes of higher learning.
Higher Education Compass
Navigate your way through the higher education scene in Germany: the Higher Education Compass provides high-school graduates, students and researchers with the information they need. Whether you’re interested in studying in Germany or would like to go abroad on an international exchange program – the platform operated by the Association of Universities and Institutes of Higher Education in Germany (HRK – Hochschulrektorenkonferenz) delivers background information and addresses.
Information System, Choice of Study and Labor Market
In Germany, students studying German are required to finish their studies within nine semesters – but in actual fact, they study for an average of 13 semesters. What are the chances of getting a job once you have your degree? In ISA, the Information System, Choice of Study and Labor Market (Informationssystem Studienwahl und Arbeitsmarkt), data from university statistics and job market research is collected and presented in an easy-to-use format.
International Students
Do I need a visa? Do I have to take a language test? How can I finance my stay? Where will I live? Anyone who registers at a German university or college as a foreign student has a lot of questions that need to be answered. This platform operated by the German Student Union is able to answer a lot of those questions.
Choosing a Course of Study and Profession
No idea what to do after finishing high school? Do you want to go on to college or find an apprenticeship? Just what options do you have for getting job training? This online service offers school graduates lots of information and tips to set them on the right course for their careers. The portal is operated by the German states and the German Employment Agency.
High-school graduates and young professionals who want to attend a university in Germany or anywhere else in Europe can get all the information they need at The virtual counseling services provide an extensive range of tips all about studying, what it costs and what careers it can lead to. Thanks to the “University Place Exchange”, you have the chance to get accepted at a college or university even after the official deadline has expired!
Studis Online
Studying is fun! And after you‘ve done your daily duty at the university or college, there‘s still often enough time for some of the more pleasant niceties of life. At the Studis Online website, you‘ll find relevant information on your studies and current reports about university politics, along with lots of useful tips on planning your daily routine and free time.
Before, after and during one’s studies: the university magazine UNICUM, written by students for students, has long since become an entire media concern. supplements the printed magazine, which provides information and services relating to school-leaving examinations, university studies and careers.
ZVS online (Central Office for the Allocation of Places in High Education)
In some courses of study, places are limited. That is why the Central Office for the Allocation of Places in High Education (Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Studienplätzen, ZVS) often guards the door to the alma mater. Is the course of study you want to pursue in hot demand throughout Germany, or is there only a local numerus clausus (restricted admission)?