Information for teachers
Anyone who wants to find out more about the German school system and educational policy will find all the information they need at these portals. Teachers will also find new teaching material and interesting ideas to liven up their lessons.

German Teachers’ Association
How many days do teachers have off per year? What have teachers learned from the results of the PISA study from 2001? A visit to the pages of the German Teachers’ Association (DL – Deutscher Lehrerverband), the largest teachers’ association in Germany, will answer these questions and more. Members of the DL include high-school and middle school teachers, business and vocational school teachers. Find out more about the goals pursued in educational policies for all types of schools and on the opinions expressed in the profession. You can read commentaries, memos and statements and find out more information on the Initiative Hauptschule e.V. (basic secondary school).
Center for Educational Media in the Internet
Sometimes, even teachers need private tutoring, and those who want to make their classes more interesting can find ideas at the Center for Educational Media in the Internet (Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet e.V., ZUM Internet e.V.), an organization founded by teachers for teachers.
Central Agency for Schools Abroad
Canada, Nigeria or Australia: Schools abroad around the world spread German culture and help to maintain German language skills. The Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) with its head offices in Cologne supports such facilities financially and pedagogically. The ZfA dispatches teachers to classrooms around the globe and supports their continuing education as well.