Leibniz Association – outstanding diversity
The Leibniz Association brings together 89 research centres covering subjects from natural sciences to the humanities.

The Leibniz Association brings together 89 independent research institutions covering a broad range of disciplines from natural, engineering and environmental sciences to economic, spatial and social sciences and the humanities.
A shared goal of the association’s 8,800 researchers lies in knowledge transfer to politics, industry and society as a whole. Leibniz Institutes maintain a wide range of cooperative partnerships with universities, industry and other partners in and outside Germany. The Leibniz Association would like to attract the world’s best minds for its research. As a result, the proportion of foreigners among its junior researchers under 36 years of age is already gratifyingly high at 23.3%.
The “jewels” in the organisation’s crown include not only the German Museum in Munich, the Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam, the Institute for Catalysis in Rostock and the Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics in Freiburg, but also the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt.