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Leopoldina and Council of Science and Humanities

The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the German Council of Science and Humanities provide social and research policy advice.


The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle has been the national academy of sciences since 2008. However, its history goes back much further: the world’s oldest continuously existing academy of natural sciences and medicine was founded in 1652. It currently has 1,500 members, who include outstanding researchers from 30 countries. They regularly contribute to important social and political debates – for example, on climate change, the energy transition or demography.

Research policy advice is also a major area for the German Council of Science and Humanities, which is funded by the Federal Government and 16 State Governments. The 32 members of its Scientific Commission are appointed by the Federal President. Together with the 22 members of the Administrative Commission, they draft recommendations on the development of higher education, science and research in Germany.,