Security on the Internet
The freedom of opinion and information has limits when children and young people are exposed to dangerous media contents.

Federal Office for Security in Information Technology
It has declared war on computer viruses, hoaxes and pay numbers: one central office deals with all the divergent aspects of IT security – this makes the Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) one of a kind in Europe.
Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
What do you know about your rights to access official information? Do you know who is legally obliged to protect your personal data? The website operated by the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, BfDI) will tell you more. The BfDI enforces the federal data security law and the information freedom law.
Federal Ministry of the Interior
The responsibilities of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) range from migration policy to the protection of the constitution and right on up to promoting sports. Its most important responsibility, however, is to protect its citizens, the country’s internal security. The BMI is also responsible for the civil service and emergency aid. And it is in charge of the protocol for state visits and official festivities.
Chaos Computer Club
It's notorious: the Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC) was long regarded as a criminal group of hackers because it called attention to security gaps in computer networks. However, the CCC is concerned mainly with issues of democratic net culture and committed to freedom of information.
German Government Representative for Information Technology
Are you looking for information on “E-ID”, the electronic identity card, or “de-mail”, a state-accredited solution for legally binding communication online starting since 2010? You can find all kinds of background information on IT projects run by the German federal government on the website of the German Government Representative for Information Technology. The State Secretary plans and coordinates German IT on the national level.
Germany - Safe on the Net
Who hasn’t already heard stories about the pitfalls of surfing on the Internet, or even been personally affected themselves? Viruses take control of the computer; online con artists clean out your bank account. The initiative known as “Germany – Safe on the Net” is devoted to making sure you stay safe on the Internet. Users can find information on IT security and read up on how they can protect themselves against dialer programs or spam mail.
eco - Association of the German Internet Economy
Take a virtual shopping trip: the Association of the German Internet Economy, a.k.a. eco, promotes the commercial use of the Internet and advises companies that offer their products and services online. eco has supported the development of technologies for the electronic society since 1995. The association is also active in representing its members in legal and political issues.
Internet Complaint Office for Germany
Everyone can play a part in making the Internet a safer place to be. Regardless of whether you’re surfing the German web or opening mail in your electronic mailbox, if you should happen across any contents that you consider as criminal, illegal or harmful to minors: write a note to the Internet Complaint Office!
Do you know what the Robinson lists are? No, they’re not directories of people who have emigrated to remote desert islands. On the contrary, they are business organizations that protect consumers from being sent unsolicited and undesired advertising. At I.D.I. INTERESSENVERBAND DEUTSCHES INTERNET E.V., you can, for example, have your name put on a list so that you will no longer receive advertising mail.