Accommodation in Germany
There are many ways to bed down for the night. What would you care for: a five star hotel, a family pension, a farm or a youth hostel?

The Varta Guide
Do you like to eat well on the road? And do you enjoy luxurious accommodations? You'll find the addresses of 40,000 hotels and restaurants in the Varta data base.
German Hotel and Restaurant Association
Did you know that German hotels and pensions register more than 400 million overnight stays every year? This and other information about the industry can be found on the pages of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenverbands, DEHOGA).
German Youth Hostels
The 530 youth hostels throughout Germany can be recommended not only for school and youth trips. Though this is still the specialty of the German Association of Youth Hostels (Deutscher Jugendherbergsverband, DJH), it's worth looking into their offers for traveling families and athletes as well.
Hotel Reservation Service
Would you like to book a hotel without going through an agency? No problem with the Hotel Reservation Service, available in 32 languages from Swedish to Zulu.
Hotel Guide of the Hotel Association Germany
The chief task of the Hotel Association Germany (IHA) is to represent the interests of hotel owners in the middle and luxury class in dialogue with the government and Parliament.
Farm and Home Stays
Vacation on a farm, at a vineyard or in the saddle – the German Agricultural Society (Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft e.V., DLG) gives its stamp of quality only to hosts who know how to give these adventures a touch of comfort.
Ring Europäischer Mitwohnzentralen
"Temporary accommodation" - if we think about how important it is to be mobile and flexible today, that just might be the magic word! The "Ring Europäischer Mitwohnzentralen" is an association of real-estate rental offices that is able to provide you with the accommodation you need on a temporary or permanent basis. Their portal gives you a central address at which you can reach the different member companies.