International Germany
Do you know from which countries the most students in Germany come? Or from where the most expats come? You can find the answers here.

Cosmopolitan country
On 31 December 2019 there were 11,228,300 foreign passport holders living in Germany. 13.1 per cent of these people come from Turkey, traditionally representing the largest group of migrants.
- Turkey 1,472,390
- Poland 862,535
- Syria 789,465
- Romania 748,225
- Italy 646,460
- Croatia 414,890
- Greece 363,650
- Bulgaria 360,170
- Afghanistan 263,420
- Russian Federation 260,395

International students
In 2019 there were 302,157 foreign students in Germany who had graduated from school abroad. Asia is the main region of origin followed by Western Europe.
- China 39,871
- India 20,562
- Syria 13,032
- Austria 11,495
- Russia 10,439
- Italy 9,246
- Iran 8,534
- Turkey 8,470
- Cameroon 7,211
- France 7,047
Expats in Germany
InterNations is the world’s largest community for expats, people living outside their native countries. Of the 205,000 members in Germany, the largest proportion comes from the USA.
- USA 10 %
- India 7 %
- Italy 6 %
- United Kingdom 5%
- Spain 4 %
- France 4 %
- Russia 4 %
- Romania 4 %
- Brazil 3 %
- Poland 2 %
Number of naturalizations
The number of naturalizations in Germany rose by 15 per cent in 2019. A large proportion of these people were British. Following Brexit the number of Britons becoming naturalized in 2019 was equal to the two previous years combined. Here is a comparison with other EU countries.
- United Kingdom 14,600
- Poland 6,020
- Romania 5,830
- Italy 4,475
- Greece 3,130
- Croatia 2,270
- Bulgaria 1,990
- Hungary 1,315
- Spain 11,265
- France 865
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