Doctors in Germany
Find all the different specialist doctors using these portals.

Agency for Quality in Medicine
Creating rules for the art of healing: the Agency for Quality in Medicine (AQuMed) coordinates the work of the leading medical organizations to assure common quality standards, for practice and related areas. AQuMed is a joint institution of the Federal Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer) and the Federal Association of Fund Doctors (Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung).
Federal Medical Association
The German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer, BÄK) is the umbrella organization of the Federal Republic’s 17 State Chambers of Physicians (Ärztekammern, ÄK). It represents the professional interests of all German physicians; it is the central organization in the system of medical self-administration in Germany, and it oversees the Professional Code.
Hartmannbund (Hartmann Union)
Doctors working in a wide variety of specialty fields have joined together to form the Hartmann Union (Hartmannbund) to concentrate their professional, economic and social interests.
Marburger Bund (Marburg Union)
Improved working conditions and fair pay for physicians: these were the basic objectives of the Marburg Union (mb - Marburger Bund) when it was founded in 1947. The national union represents healthcare, professional policy and trade union interests of all regularly employed doctors, physicians with civil servant status and medical students.