“I’m always discovering something new”
Tuba player David Glidden comes from the US and loves German culture.

Goethe and Schiller are authors I still read in my mother tongue, English. But after 24 years in Frankfurt working as a tuba player for the hr symphony orchestra, one of the large and internationally successful German radio orchestras, I feel quite at home in German as well. I began to dream about living in Germany as a young man. Its culture simply fascinated me. After my studies I definitely wanted to leave Illinois, USA, behind me. I moved more than 20 times, and also lived in Italy for five years. Today I live in Aschaffenburg with my family. We often go walking together and enjoy nature in the Spessart region. And in Frankfurt we like to go to the museums. I’m also a keen swimmer: I swim eight kilometres every morning before rehearsals. Whether I will return to the US? I don’t think so. Germany is one of the most beautiful places you can live in. I’m always discovering something new.