Water sports in Germany
This is where all you water rats can surf through information on competitions, rankings and clubs.

German Open-Seas Sport Association
Would you like to learn how to sail? Then one of the places you can go is “Hansa”, the German Open-Seas Sport Association (Deutscher Hochseesportverband “Hansa” – DHH), an association that has been training sailers since 1925. Some 16,000 members sail 200 boats belonging to the association at the three DHH yachting schools located in Glücksburg, on Elba and on the Chiemsee.
German Canoe Association
Canoeing is an ideal way to combine sports, health, and communion with nature. The German Canoe Association (Deutsche Kanu-Verband e.V., DKV) can be counted on to produce medals; the German canoers are among the world’s most successful water athletes.
German Swimming Association
From playing water polo to diving, the German Swimming Association (DSV) promotes everything to do with swimming for amateurs, professionals and people who just want to swim to stay healthy throughout Germany. And the DSV also sends its top-class athletes to take part in the four disciplines at the Olympic Games every four years. The Berlin-based association has been encouraging new talent in this sport since 1886.
German Sailing Association
The world’s most successful sailing association in the Olympic boat classes: the German Sailing Association (DSV – Deutsche Segler-Verband), first formed in 1884, is the umbrella organization of sailing and surfing clubs throughout Germany. The DSV represents the German sailing sport in international organizations; nationwide and in the individual German states, it provides information on water traffic rules and nature or environmental protection.
German Rowing Association
German oarsmen come home from the Olympic Games with gold, silver or bronze on a regular basis. The organization that supports them is the German Rowing Association (DRV), the oldest sports association in all of Germany. It was already promoting this demanding sport at all levels of skill as early as 1883.