Districts, cities and communities in Germany
Here you'll find official announcements and news on community politics as well as the way to the next public swimming pool.

German County Association
There are 295 counties in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Germany County Association (DLT – Deutscher Landkreistag) has its head office in Berlin and represents the counties’ common interests at federal and state levels. The umbrella organization for the counties advises the Bundestag or Bundesrat (lower and upper house of the German parliament) during the legislative process. The DLT also cultivates contacts between the counties and benefits the exchange of experiences.
German Associations of Towns and Municipalities
The voice of the communities: The German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB) cultivates contacts to the Bundestag, the German government or the European Parliament. The umbrella organization represents more than 11,000 towns and municipalities that belong to the counties in Germany. As the representative of their interests, the DStGB prepares statements dealing with political decisions.
German Coalition of Towns
The German Coalition of Towns (DST) upholds the interests of the communal self-administration of the towns, whether autonomous or belonging to counties. More than 3,400 towns and communities with a total of 51 million inhabitants form Germany’s largest community association.