Easing the suffering of children
Drought and hunger in East Africa pose the biggest threat to children. German relief workers attempt to tackle malnutrition and disease.

Due to the most devastating drought in 40 years, crops are withering and entire herds of cattle are dying in many places in the Horn of Africa. Furthermore, Russia’s war in Ukraine is exacerbating the shortage of food in the region. Many families have lost their livelihoods and are being forced to leave their homeland in search of food and water. The crisis has stripped many children of their basic needs – enough to eat and drink, a home and the chance to go to school.
Prioritising the supply of water
Germany is directly supporting aid organisations in the Horn of Africa with a view to easing the suffering of children there. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for example places particular emphasis in its humanitarian assistance on access to safe drinking water for children and their families. Dried up or contaminated wells mean that some 25 million people lack water. A shortage of water directly increases the risk of hunger and disease.
This is particularly dangerous for children who are already weakened as a result of malnutrition. That’s why UNICEF builds and repairs wells and equips them with solar-powered pumps. Wherever necessary, teams also transport water to people in lorries. UNICEF provides malnourished children with special high-calorie food that also contains all the essential vitamins.
Making education available to children
So that children can continue learning to read, write and do maths, UNICEF runs classes in local communities or in camps for refugees or supports existing educational institutions. Families requiring particular protection also receive social benefits, including direct payments to cover everyday necessities.
Ensuring survival in East Africa
To improve the situation in the Horn of Africa, also in the future, Germany is providing aid organisations with targeted funding of 210 million euros until 2025. The idea is that those who need the help most urgently should profit the most - especially women and children.
What Germany does to help – find out more here.