German Committees and Commissions
This is where you can learn more about the most important committees and commissions.

acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering
acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering, focuses on issues dealing with the future in the disciplines of engineering and science. The network, to which excellent researchers belong, offers the business and academic worlds a forum for the exchange of ideas and information, promotes young talent and provides valuable information to policy makers. As a national science academy, acatech is financed by the German national and state governments and also accepts donations from companies and project-related third-party sources.
Agricultural Ministers' Conference
From the fishing to the forestry industry and from the protection of animals to farming: the Agricultural Ministers’ Conference (AMK) discusses issues relating to agricultural development in Germany as well as in the European Union. The state and national ministers meet twice a year, whereby a different German state is responsible for presiding over the conference each year.
Building Ministers' Conference
The consortium of ministers and senators responsible for urban planning, construction and housing from Germany’s 16 states, known as ARBEBAU, meets once a year. The Building Ministers’ Conference has worked in an advisory capacity since 1948 to represent the interests of the individual states vis-à-vis the federal government. The state hosting the conference changes every two years.
German Ethics Council
What kind of argumentation do the supporters of euthanasia use? What arguments speak for or against baby hatches? The German Ethics Council deliberates over questions concerning scientific, philosophical and legal issues. Academics from different disciplines and well-known people belong to the board. The Council promotes social debate and also advises the German Bundestag and the government.
Forum for Sustainability (FONA)
Renewable resources should only be used to the extent that they are able to regrow. If you observe this formula, you are striving for sustainability. Politicians, researchers and experts meet every year at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s Forum for Sustainability (FONA) in order to explore new thematic emphases for the survival of coming generations.
Bund-Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion
The German federal and Länder governments pull together in the same direction for the innovations of tomorrow: with a firm foundation on the Basic Law, the Joint Science Conference (GWK - Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz) promotes science and research on a national level. The GWK has been working in Bonn as the successor of the Federal-Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion since 2008.
Health Ministers' Conference
German ministers of health on the state and national levels debate about the future of medical and health care on a yearly basis. The agenda of the Health Ministers' Conference covers such topics as prevention, compulsory health insurance or European health-care policies. The chair and management of the conference passes to a different state each year.
Association of Universities and Other Higher Education Institutions in Germany
The Association of Universities and Other Higher Education Institutions in Germany (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK) is a voluntary confederation of state and state-approved universities and technical schools. It safeguards the interests of higher education institutions, formulates goals for higher education policy and provides advice for the political and administrative sphere.
The Conference of the German Cultural Ministers
According the the Basic Law, education and culture are the responsibility of the Federal States. The Standing Conference of the Cultural Ministers of the Länder of Germany (KMK) ensures that everyone is pulling in the same direction with respect to topics involving more than one state. In the Conference, the ministers coordinate their policies and formulate quality standards for school, vocational training and university. The KMK represents the interests of the Ländern before the Federal Government and the European Union.
Munich Security Conference
Is a world without nuclear weapons possible? What protection is there against international terrorism? And how will things proceed in Afghanistan, in the Middle East and on the Horn of Africa? Each year on the first weekend in February, the world’s leading experts in foreign and security policy gather together in the Bavarian capital. The conference hotel Bayerischer Hof is the regular venue for this open dialogue – and quiet back-room diplomacy.
Council for Sustainable Development
Future generations will also want to use the resources of our planet and that’s why the German federal government is focused on sustainable development in the environment, in the economy and in social issues. The Council for Sustainable Development has been advising politicians in their national strategy and suggesting projects since 2001. Academics, entrepreneurs and environmental protection experts all contribute their know-how.
Expert Council on the Assessment of Overall Economic Development
Every November, political circles focus on the economy: The Expert Council on the Assessment of Overall Economic Development – a.k.a the “Five Wise Men” – publishes an annual report, analyzing the economic situation of the country and forecasting the future. The Council was first officially formed in 1963 and consists of five professors, who are appointed by the Federal President.
Sports Minister Conference
How is the demographic shift affecting the type of sports on offer? What can be done against doping politically? The Sports Minister Conference (SMK) focuses on the future of popular and professional sports. Once a year, the sports ministers from all the states in Germany meet to exchange their thoughts and ideas. Every two years, a different state plays host to the event.