Academy for justice
The International Nuremberg Principles Academy is promoting human rights education.

PROMOTING HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION. Hans-Peter Kaul, a German judge at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, says: “It is the right idea, at the right time, in the right place.” He is referring to the founding of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy (INPA). The south German city of Nuremberg is indeed a well-suited location for a discussion forum on international criminal law: the National Socialist regime made intense use of the city – for instance, for its bombastic Nuremberg Rallies – and after the Second World War the city became the venue for the Nuremberg Trials against numerous Nazi leaders. These trials helped to lay the foundations for today’s international criminal justice system. The INPA will be starting its work in the course of 2014 with an emphasis on further education, interdisciplinary research and human rights education. The academy’s training seminars are designed especially for government representatives, lawyers and journalists from states affected by serious violations of human rights.