Video: The German Desire for Children?
Why does a woman want children? Or why doesn’t she?
Direction, concept, editing: Merle Grimme
Production: wirFILM Bertolone & Ehlayil GbR; producer: Salome Tomasek
University of Television and Film Munich
Everyone wants children. And once you have children, everything will work out OK.
A promise that is not always fulfilled and not for every woman.
The film addresses the questions: Why does a woman (not) want children? What effect does it have on her and on her role in society? In German society, having children is still seen as a path to fulfilment and unending maternal joy for a woman. Yet it’s not only the mothers who suffer as a result of this outdated role model. Indeed, young women asking themselves precisely whether they want children often have the feeling that they shouldn’t even be asking themselves this question: They must want children.
In the film women aged between 14 and 88 try to answer these questions. How have we lived as women to date, how do we want to live as women in future and how can we generate more acceptance for different lifestyles? By talking about these things.
A view to the Legacy study: The desire for a traditional family with a child was considered far more contentious in the study than, e.g., gainful employment. Merle Grimme takes the opportunity to question various women on this topic.