Strong women
We are offering you the unique opportunity to benefit from the experiences and successes of committed women and men. Whether it is Nobel Peace Prize winner and human rights activist Nadia Murad, theatre director Pınar Karabulut, entrepreneur, investor and author Tijen Onaran or Integration Commissioner Reem Alabali-Radovan, they show what is possible as part of the deutschland.de Women Shaping Our Future campaign.
Role models
Facts and figures
Women in Germany
The women’s employment rate, the gender pay gap, women’s quotas, life expectancy and representation in government – discover everything you need to know about women in Germany. Here are three facts to start you off: they constitute the majority of the population, live longer than men – and are more highly educated.
Quick facts
Working for greater equality
Together with Alice Schwarzer, probably the best known feminist in Germany, we are looking for answers to the following questions: where does Germany stand when it comes to emancipation? What does feminism mean today? Is the COVID-19 crisis again taking us back to a more traditional distribution of roles and duties – or could the crisis be an opportunity?
In addition to answers, however, gender equality also needs commitment. These men and women campaign for greater equality in Germany.
Women’s rights
Empowering women worldwide
Germany supports projects worldwide that involve women in peace processes, strengthen their rights, build links between them and enable equality between women and men.
Protecting the human rights of women and realising their legal, economic and cultural equality are major tasks of German foreign policy. Germany campaigns to maintain and strengthen women’s rights not only by bilateral means but also within the framework of international organisations such as the European Union and the United Nations.
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Women in politics, business and research
Women are increasingly assuming leadership positions in German politics, business and research. More women are working, the proportion of women on supervisory boards has risen, the number of women in STEM and tech fields has increased and parents are better able to reconcile having a family and a career, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. We introduce you to outstanding female researchers, politicians and entrepreneurs who have led by example.