Standing up for equal rights
Achieving gender equality takes commitment. These three men and women stand up for equality – online and offline.

Tijen Onaran
Strengthening women’s position in the world of work is one of Tijen Onaran’s goals. Her main focus is on the digital sector. In November 2017 she founded Global Digital Women, a company that advises firms on the issues of diversity, inclusion and equal rights – in other words, also on the question of how to enable more women to assume leadership positions. Tijen Onaran promotes these issues in her books and on Instagram. She also supports women as an investor. Here, she says, her focus is on startups that have been founded by women. She now wants to set up a venture capital fund for female founders.
Mareice Kaiser
Mareice Kaiser, editor-in-chief of the feminist online magazine Edition F, draws attention to the excessive demands made on many modern mothers – in her articles and also on Instagram. She criticises the fact that most unpaid work associated with care of children and a home is primarily done by mothers – often in addition to their paid employment. In one blog entry she writes: “The fact that many mothers are mentally and emotionally less well during the initial years after the birth of their children than they were before is not due to their children. It is the result of societal structures that were not made for women and certainly not for women with children.” That is why she calls for politics to pay greater attention to the needs of working single mothers.
Fikri Anıl Altıntaş
What are society’s expectations of men’s role? And when is the resulting behaviour of men and their social surroundings harmful? Fikri Anıl Altıntaş, Project Manager at the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe, examines questions like these – among other places, in articles, interviews and on Instagram. Here, above all, he writes about Muslim images of masculinity. He also presents workshops in schools to increase awareness of the topic. In addition, he is Germany Ambassador for HeForShe, the UN Women solidarity movement that calls on men to stand up for women’s rights.
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