Everything here focuses on our digital future
The CEBIT IT fair presents the digital technology of tomorrow. These four intelligent innovations in the fields of work, transport and sport will surprise you.

The “Ferris wheel of innovations” shows the direction in which we are heading. CEBIT 2018 is becoming a festival and digitalisation an experience. SAP, the German software group, has set up a 60-metre-tall Ferris wheel offering showcases, talks with experts and digitalisation solutions in a total of 40 cabins. CEBIT promises a 360-degree view of the digital transformation. Several German suppliers have already revealed what awaits us in the near future.
Workspace 4.0
At CEBIT, Amagno, an Oldenburg-based startup, is presenting its revolutionary Living Documents technology that enables you to surf through documents as if they were Internet pages. Clicking an order number, a file reference or a name is all you have to do to find additional files, scanned documents or emails on any transaction.
The EmQopter by the Würzbürg-based startup of the same name is the first flying apparatus that satisfies Germany’s strict safety regulations for fully autonomous flight in its airspace. It has landing technology that automatically scans the complete environment underneath the drone and can land safely independently. If all systems fail, a parachute allows the EmQopter to float gently down to the ground.

Future mobility
Ionity, a Munich-based joint venture of car makers BMW, Daimler, Ford and the Volkswagen Group, wants to set up a Europe-wide high-power charging network for electric vehicles. In future, charging columns with an output of up to 350 kW are to ensure fast and convenient charging along the main traffic routes in 18 countries. CEBIT visitors can experience the world of e-mobility with the aid of virtual reality technology and admire the first prototype charging columns with their futuristic design.
Artificial intelligence
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern is presenting the Footstriker. It uses electrical muscle stimulation to help runners achieve a running style that is easy on the joints. Why is that necessary? Over half of the runners in Germany injure themselves or suffer from knee or hip problems. Such injuries are often caused by unfavourable movement patterns. A wearable device now modifies entrenched movement habits.
CEBIT 2018, 11 to 15 June in Hannover