Aviv – a magazine for linguistic nuances
Aviv, the new German-Hebrew magazine from Berlin, seeks to challenge clichés with a blend of art, literature and journalism.

With the exception of its title – Aviv means “spring” in English – the new magazine is completely bilingual, published in Hebrew and German. That was especially important to Hanno Hauenstein and Itamar Gov. From their work as translators, the two young founders know just how important the medium of language is and understand “linguistic diversity as an enrichment and bilingualism as a gift”.
The first issue appeared in May 2016, supported by the German-Israeli Future Forum Foundation. “We challenge clichés with a blend of art, literature and journalism,” say the Berliners by choice Hauenstein and Gov, “and counter separations into ‘us’ and ‘them’, which our upbringing might encourage us to imagine, with an inclusive understanding of culture.” It is therefore fitting that the magazine includes not only articles by Israeli bestselling author Etgar Keret and German writer Maxim Biller, but also the Iranian filmmaker Shirin Sabahi.