Information technology in Germany
A medium that combines pictures, sound and words – at any time and in any place.

Broadband Portal
Fast, faster, the fastest: Thanks to broadband technologies, digital data now gets wherever it's going with breathtaking speed – regardless of whether it’s for the Internet, radio or television. The German Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology has set up the Broadband Portal to introduce technologies from DSL via fiberglass or UMTS right on up to Long Term Evolution (LTE).
German Government Representative for Information Technology
Are you looking for information on “E-ID”, the electronic identity card, or “de-mail”, a state-accredited solution for legally binding communication online starting since 2010? You can find all kinds of background information on IT projects run by the German federal government on the website of the German Government Representative for Information Technology. The State Secretary plans and coordinates German IT on the national level.
Competence Center for Technology - Diversity - Equal Opportunity
Become a computer specialist instead of a German teacher or an electrician instead of a hairdresser: the Competence Center for Technology - Diversity - Equal Opportunity fights to make sure that women and men can both find jobs in the age of information and technology. The Competence Center runs projects nation-wide to ensure equal opportunity for both sexes.
Network World
How does Internet telephony work, which cell phone is at the top of the test list, where can you get recommended legal freeware? Current trends and tips from the technological cosmos can be found on "netzwelt", an online magazine that revolves around the digital media. Newcomers will find first aid for software problems, pros can expand their horizons in terms of background knowledge.
Digital Chances Foundation
Onliners and offliners – is the digital age creating a new type of two-caste society? In a government project entitled “Internet für alle” (Internet for everyone), the Digital Chances Foundation works to help socially and media-disadvantaged social groups get access to the Internet.
German Digital Industry Association
In addition to information on the work of the association or its structural organization, you can find the industry recommendations and political statements issued by the BVDW. There are also sample contracts for multimedia agencies, applications for BVDW certification for suppliers of continuing education and a statement on media content screening for young users.
Association for the Information Economy, Telecommunications and New Media
Here you’ll find statistics and data on the market, such as market analyses and branch surveys, as well as positions on politics. The website takes you to workgroups and forums with topics such as “E-Business-Recht“ (E-Business Law), “E-Government“ and “Sicherheit für Unternehmensnetze“ (Security for Company Networks) on the agenda.